Yoav Kaufman and his wife, Tali.
Below, Yoav (far right) & friends at the Circus World Museum in Baraboo, WI.
Please go online today to make your tax-deductible gift to CYJ. http://cyjalumni.googlepages.com/thealumnichallenge
While you're there - why not sign up for this summer's reunion?! In only 2 weeks, CYJ alumni from around the country will be coming to Chicago & Waupaca to re-connect with old friends and to show their children just how amazing a summer at CYJ can truly be!
Sign up today: http://cyjalumni.googlepages.com/
** We'll be updating our alumni spotlight more frequently in the lead up to the reunion so make sure to check back often! And drop us a line cyjalumni[at]gmail.com to share your story!**
Name - Yoav Meir Kaufman
Hometown - Deefield, IL
Current location - Beer Sheva, Israel
Years attended camp - 1985-1992 ( including CYJ West and Year Course) (Mazkirut: Merekez Chinuch L'Ofarim v Tsofim 1991-1992)
Favorite camp song - "Gesher Tzar Mayod" and lively improv renditions of "'Aint Gonna Work on Saturdays" in the Cheder Ochel
What I've been up to lately - I made aliyah a little under four years ago after getting back to Israel on the WUJS program (a post college Israel program that is now run by Hadassah: http://www.wujs-arad.org/). I met my wife, Tali, on WUJS and we got married in Sept 2005. Our wonderfull and energetic daughter Karen was born in Sept. 2006. I've been working for Negev Direct Marketing (http://negevdirect.com and http://jewishdonorblog.com) as a list manager and list broker for over three years now. I spend my work days helping a variety of Jewish businesses and Jewish non-profit organizations with their direct mail, email and telemarketing campaigns.
How CYJ has affected your life over the years? - I always looked forward to my summers at CYJ as a kid. Summers were THE time of year year to connect with friends, kick back and have some good clean fun (sometimes at the expense of my madrichim... if you're reading this David Brody my sincere apologies :). A strong Israel as the Jewish home and Zionism were a couple of the main values that affected me later in life and influenced my decision to make aliyah.