Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Currently: Short Hills, NJ
CYJ years: 1981-84, 87-88, 90-92
Favorite Shira Shketa: Zemer Nugies (Ha tishma Ko...HA TISHMA KOLI! richoki she RICHOKI SHELI) I can sing both parts at once.
Doing Now: I'm working with Citigroup as an Accountant for Hedge Fund clients. I married a Young Judaean from New Jersey, Micole Cohen. We have 3 yeladim each with a kova with shalosh pinot, shalosh pionot al hakova sheli.
How CYJ affected me: I've never lost my zeal for a good raid. I try to pull of a good raid once a week. Set up our dining room table outside. TP the neighbors tree. Pajamas on top of the flag pole. Spell out words with my cars and the neighbors' cars. (We don't have many canoes in our town.) My value system: built on a bedrock of the 5 Zionist thinkers - a little AD Gordon, a little Ahad Ha'Am, and the other 3 fellas, whatever their names were. I don't begin breakfast, until I've fully sung out the song about waking the dead birds. At work, at the storied Citigroup, I've organized my minyans into Task Forces - each responsible for a Special Day every month. And if one Task Force doesn't come up with a Special Day or a good enough Special Day...extra Toranut!!! So I guess you can say CYJ has had an impact on me. Amod noach.
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If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming Alumni Spotlight, please send an email to cyjalumni (at) gmail.com with the following information: Name & hometown, current location, years attended camp, favorite shira shketa song (or other camp song), a few words on what you've been up to lately & thoughts on how CYJ has affected your life over the years. Also, please include a current photo and, if possible, a photo from your camp years.
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